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在中国留学 荷兰 and experience its iconic landscapes and century-old windmills as it coincides with visionary architecture and cutting-edge design. Take a boat ride in the Golden Age canals that run alongside buildings filled with rich history that still flows through them.  在荷兰, 有太多东西要去体验, let its traditions inspire you while the boundless innovations captivate your imagination. 从世界级的建筑到著名的彩虹田, 你一定会感到精力充沛,准备好去探索. 阿姆斯特丹拥有世界著名的艺术博物馆, 鹿特丹, 海牙, 哈勒姆, 和莱顿, 在一些最具标志性和艺术性的杰作中迷失自己. The Rijksmuseum in 阿姆斯特丹 is one of the world’s most beautiful art museums, 展出著名艺术家伦勃朗的作品, 梵高, 和维米尔, 这个博物馆有7个藏品。,其他500件. 参观鹿特丹美术馆, 在那里它只举办临时展览, the museum’s founders continuously highlight unseen art from around the globe. 现代和当代艺术的融合, the gallery often features newer artwork alongside an enormous selection of de Stijl artwork. 阿姆斯特丹到处都是音乐爱好者, 所以你可以找到各种各样的场地, 商店, 俱乐部, 还有全城的音乐节. There are excellent vinyl 商店, each one with its own unique touch and sound. 阿姆斯特丹 is an epicenter for live music in the 荷兰 with huge concert venues like The Ziggo Dome or The Heineken Music hall. 电子音乐是阿姆斯特丹最流行的音乐之一, and you can expect to experience huge festivals like Into the Woods or ZeeZout, 都是为了看到一些世界上最著名的dj. 




这里居住着来自180多个国家的居民, 文化, 宗教, 和背景, people are drawn to 阿姆斯特丹 as a Mecca for personal freedom and tolerance.
72°F (22°C)
37°F (3°C)
  • 业务
  • 人文学科
  • 社会科学
  • 阀杆

意识到你把书忘在家里了? No worries, there are plenty of book商店 to scope out while in the 荷兰. With many of its population speaking English 阿姆斯特丹 has many book商店 with English language books. 在荷兰最大的书店之一停下来, Scheltema, where it holds the largest collection of English-language books in the country. Or if you’re into Nature and landscaping visit the bookstore Architecture & Natura, where they have the books about nature and landscaping in many different languages.  呼吁所有吃货! 在荷兰吃饭可以是一场冒险, 说到食物,有很多东西可以尝试, 甚至是饮料. Moeders Restaurant in 阿姆斯特丹 is a charming restaurant where the walls are covered in photos from customers who have enjoyed their traditional Dutch dishes along the Singelgracht canal. 但如果你想冒险,那就去Canvas吧, 这是一家位于阿姆斯特丹最大的屋顶露台上的时尚餐厅. 






工程与城市规划示范城市研究. Immerse yourself in a world of cutting edge technology and data that works to improve city services and environmental sustainability. 阿姆斯特丹的阀杆项目, you can dive into courses in the 教师 of 科学 and choose from a list of about 100 courses in English. 学习计算机科学, 数学, 生物学, 健康科学, 地质, 环境科学, 和更多的. 许多课程甚至包括实验部分, 所以一定要查看课程描述了解细节. CEA CAPA students are integrated directly with degree-seeking international and Dutch students. This program is offered in Fall, Spring, and the Spring-Extended semesters.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价22,895美元



Take excellence to the next level by digging into the advanced academics that VU 阿姆斯特丹 has to offer. 这个竞争激烈的项目, 只在春季学期开放, allows you to complement your coursework with honors courses from a variety of themes. Honors courses are interdisciplinary, small seminar-style courses which emphasize student discussion. You'll study alongside degree-seeking international and Dutch students for an integrated experience. A Spring-Extended option is available for students who want to earn additional credits.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价22,895美元
业务 & 经济学

业务 & 经济学


Join VU 阿姆斯特丹’s prestigious School of 业务 and 经济学 for a semester. 你可以从一系列英语授课的经济学课程中进行选择, 管理, 市场营销, 会计, 和金融. CEA CAPA students are integrated directly with degree-seeking international and Dutch students. This program is offered in Fall, Spring, and the Spring-Extended semesters.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价22,895美元

无论是参观令人惊叹的兀威森林, 或者参观创新城市阿姆斯特丹, 当你在荷兰的时候,有很多东西可以看,可以做. 去特塞尔岛旅行,沿着海岸线徒步旅行, or cycle through the windmill network of Kinderdijk where the historic windmills date back to the 17th century. 爬上乌得勒支中世纪市中心哥特式的Dom塔. 冒险去林堡看看, 不像荷兰的其他地方, its geography is full of hilly landscapes and is covered in green meadows and ancient forests. Let yourself truly grasp and explore the ins and outs of this beautiful country.  When you study abroad in the 荷兰 it will be easy for you to connect with the country without having to worry about speaking Dutch. Open your mind to all that is in this forward-thinking country and start your study abroad adventure. 有机会进入一所受尊敬的大学, see how much you can further yourself personally and professionally while overseas.  



  • Museumplein Over 1,000 works by the Dutch impressionist Vincent Van Gogh are displayed in the Van Gogh Museum. Learn more about his history and take a closer look at his world-famous paintings.
  • Vondelpark How does outdoor theatre, live concerts, bars, restaurants, and 47 acres of park sound? 如果你有一点心动的话, 看看阿姆斯特丹最受欢迎的绿地吧, 哪个地方全年举办活动.
  • 骑两个轮子到处转转 Join the biking culture in 阿姆斯特丹 for a fun way to see the city and blend in with the locals. 有400多公里的自行车道,200多公里,000个自行车架遍布阿姆斯特丹, 骑自行车是上学的最佳交通方式, 与朋友外出, 或者只是为了探索.
  • 运河带游船 阿姆斯特丹受联合国教科文组织保护的运河带最好的观赏方式是乘坐游轮. 建于17世纪,用来抵御海水侵袭, 运河使这座城市有别于欧洲其他城市. Floating under bridges and viewing the city from a boat is a great trip to do during the day or night.